New Beginnings?

A bit of a cliché . But this blog did exist before, it’s been around for a year but because I don’t really pay attention to what I’m doing I managed to erase what came before. It wasn’t because I was in some emo mood and decided to trash everything… at least I don’t think so.

You see.. emo moods do come up from time to time, and that’s part of the point of this. I find myself lost in my own mind a lot of the time, certainly over the last few years… yeah post-2020-pandemic-thinking is part of it, but I felt iffy before that was even a thing, in actual fact lockdown was a saviour of sorts, it limited for a while what I had to process. But ultimately, life has returned to normal and it’s clear how I’m feeling has deteriorated from there.

Journaling is always said to be a reliever of many ills. Get it written down and out of your head. I also feel like, from conversations I’ve had, I’m not the only person who feels some, or most, of what I feel. So I figured I’d document my feelings here. How I had it set up previously is probably where I’ll start, which consisted of journal style entries and musings ( posts like this one) which are just my brain dumps on whatever is circulating at the present moment.

I like to put off starting stuff, until it’s just right.. and it’ll never be just right… and often by the time it’s even close, the moment is gone or the damage is done. So I forced myself to start, and here it is.



